Relationship Coaching

Relationship Coaching

You can create the connection you’ve been longing for

Are you struggling to connect with someone who matters to you? Do you want to find freedom from the cycles of hurt and disconnect that you that you find yourself and your loved one caught up in? Or are you simply wanting to get along better with someone in your life? I have good news for you: it’s possible to get there, and I can teach you the tools to do so! Getting there won’t be easy. It will require vulnerability and practice on your part, along with a willingness to focus on changing solely your own role in the relationship–even when the other person is engaging in behaviors that you find maddening or hurtful. Are you still in? If so, you clearly care a lot about this relationship and are committed to improving it–and I have good reason to believe that your commitment will pay off. Again and again, I have seen this process lead couples (or friends or family members) to see and appreciate each other on a whole new level. If you’re interested in learning more, read on!

I work with any pairs of people (couples, family members, friends, co-workers) who want to improve their communication and strengthen their relationship. In cases where only one person in a relationship is willing to put in the work to make it stronger, I also work with those individuals to change the dynamic of the relationship by changing their own contribution to it. My approach is based on the innovative work of psychiatrist Dr. David Burns and therapist Thai-An Truong, LPC, LADC, with elements of other approaches sprinkled in as I see fit, in order to tailor it to you. While it will involve hard work on your part, I can tell you that in my own life, it has been more than worth it–it has been transformative.

Please note that I am offering only virtual sessions at this time. This allows me to work with individuals and pairs of people all over the world.

You can request a free 30-minute video consultation to find out more about this work and to get a better sense of whether it’s a good fit for you here.